Housing: A Basic Human Right

Independence Hall stands for human rights


from Presentation

Ken Kimmelman
Barbara Buehler
Anthony Romeo 
Dale Laurin


Contact Us


Imagery Film, Ltd.
e-mail: ifl@mindspring.com
Ken Kimmelman

Ken Kimmelman is director of Imagery Film, Ltd., and has produced films for the United Nations against racism and apartheid. He has received numerous awards including Newark Black Film Festival's Paul Robeson Award, Atlanta Film Festival's Director's Choice Award. 

His 1995 anti-prejudice film "The Heart Knows Better" won the Emmy for Outstanding National Public Service Film and continues to stir people worldwide on TV, in theaters and sports stadiums: the NY Yankees show it at every game. 

He produced children's educational films and won an Emmy Award for his contributions to Sesame Street. Ken Kimmelman is a consultant on the faculty of the Aesthetic Realism Foundation, a not-for-profit educational foundation in New York City, where he has taken part in many public seminars. 

He's also taught film and animation, including at the School of Visual Arts in New York City. 

In 2005 Ken Kimmelman released a film he's hoped to make for many years, Hot Afternoons Have Been in Montana, a visualization of the 1925 Nation prize poem by Eli Siegel. Historian Howard Zinn said of it:

Ken Kimmelman's reproduction, on film, of Eli Siegel's magisterial poem, is an extraordinary achievement. It matches, in its visual beauty, the elegance of  Siegel's words, and adds the dimension of stunning imagery to an already profound work of art.

For more information and stills from the film visit http://www.imageryfilm.com.
Review of film What Does a Person Deserve?
 United Nations Associations Film Festival
Information about What Does A Person Deserve?